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Image recognition system based on convolutional neural network

Репозиторий БНТУ

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Заглавие Image recognition system based on convolutional neural network
Автор Wei, Henbing
Qian, Longwei
Zhang, Caigui
Описание In recent years, image recognition technology has been widely used in civil, military, scientific research and other fields. Convolutional neural network has the advantages of automatic feature extraction, hierarchical structure, spatial invariance and powerful expression ability. In this paper, we take dog and cat image recognition as an example, and construct a seven-layer convolutional network to achieve the recognition and classification of dog and cat images.
Дата 2024-01-23T11:03:52Z
Тип Working Paper
Идентификатор Wei, Henbing. Image recognition system based on convolutional neural network / Henbing Wei, Longwei Qian, Caigui Zhang // Новые горизонты - 2023 : сборник материалов X Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 9-10 ноября 2023 года / Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : БНТУ, 2023. – Т. 1. – С. 137-139.
Язык en
Охват Минск
Издатель БНТУ