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Заглавие 面向单板滑雪竞速训练的数字孪生系统
Автор Lu, Xiaoxiao
Описание Project study to snowboarding movement process as the main body, aiming at high speed, track complex competitive athletes, based on ali cloud server, the integrated use of motor intelligent precise perception technology, sensor data fusion and synchronous positioning technology, digital technology and the perception and fusion twin, cloud computing, cloud edge techniques and so on, can realize the connection between people and things management, The athletes' movement was intelligently sensed, the filtering algorithm was used to preliminarily process the data, the fastAPI asynchronous framework was used to build the database-cloud-end framework, the snowboarding process motion simulation model was formed, and the digital twin system was developed, that is, the intelligent optimization and visualization tool of the whole process glide trajectory. The construction of a unified quantified data set of movement parameters, the perception and monitoring of athletes' state, is helpful to realize the optimization and analysis of athletes' posture, and increase the scientific nature of training guidance.
Дата 2024-01-23T11:03:52Z
Тип Working Paper
Идентификатор Lu, Xiaoxiao. 面向单板滑雪竞速训练的数字孪生系统 / Xiaoxiao Lu // Новые горизонты - 2023 : сборник материалов X Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 9-10 ноября 2023 года / Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : БНТУ, 2023. – Т. 1. – С. 145-147.
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Охват Минск
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