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Improving the accuracy of determining the character saturation reservoirs on the results of log interpretation in the oil field "K"(Tomsk region)

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Заглавие Improving the accuracy of determining the character saturation reservoirs on the results of log interpretation in the oil field "K"(Tomsk region)
Автор Rogov, Aleksey Aleksandrovich
Тематика резервуары
нефтяные месторождения
петрофизические свойства
пластовые флюиды
Описание Log interpretation has revealed a number of factors that have a significant impact on the determination of reservoir fluid content (oil saturation factor). The presented research paper is focused on the analysis of petrophysical properties of reservoir fluids considering laboratory studies of core samples. Based on core sample analysis, data of laboratory studies have been correlated to estimates of radioactive logging and high-frequency induction logging. To determine the oil saturation factor a method which considers the effect of mixed clay on reservoir fluid saturation has been proposed.
Дата 2016-04-12T16:30:25Z
Тип Conference Paper
Published version (info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion)
Conference paper (info:eu-repo/semantics/conferencePaper)
Идентификатор Rogov A. A. Improving the accuracy of determining the character saturation reservoirs on the results of log interpretation in the oil field "K"(Tomsk region) / A. A. Rogov // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2015. — Vol. 27 : Problems of Geology and Subsurface Development : XIX International Scientific Symposium in honor of Academician M. A. Usov, 6–10 April 2015, Tomsk, Russia. — [012025, 6 p.].
Язык en
Связанные ресурсы IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 27 : Problems of Geology and Subsurface Development. — United Kingdom, 2015.
Права Open access (info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess)
Издатель IOP Publishing