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Investigation of the employment of the hydrodynamic treatment of liquid aqueous solutions

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Заглавие Investigation of the employment of the hydrodynamic treatment of liquid aqueous solutions
Автор Dubovkina, I. A.
Описание It was carried out the investigations with an intention to establish the influence of physical method of impact, such as hydrodynamic treatment on the parameters and properties of liquid aqueous solutions for the technological processes of foodstuff production. The adjustment of physical and chemical properties and parameters of pure aqua and aqueous solutions has been established throughout the processing with appliance of hydrodynamic treatment. In this investigational research employment the results of the exploration of the change of the potential of reduction-oxidation reaction is presented. The decreasing of the potential of reduction-oxidation reaction of aqua in engineering process throughout experimental hydrodynamic treatment is shown. The frequent point of decrease potential of reduction-oxidation reaction in estimation with the preliminary formulates 60-65%. In all-purpose casing was recognized that the decreasing of the potential of reduction-oxidation reaction which obtained throughout dispensation on an extent 200s.
Дата 2019-02-01T09:22:40Z
Тип Working Paper
Идентификатор Dubovkina, I. A. Investigation of the employment of the hydrodynamic treatment of liquid aqueous solutions / I. A. Dubovkina // Мировая экономика и бизнес-администрирование малых и средних предприятий : материалы 15-го Международного научного семинара, проводимого в рамках 17-й Международной научно-технической конференции «Наука – образованию, производству, экономике», 24-25 января 2019 года, город Минск, Республика Беларусь / Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : Право и экономика, 2019. – С. 168-169.
Язык en
Охват Минск
Издатель Право и экономика