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Algorithm for alerting the unmanned aerial vehicle operator based on the image potential obstacle borders detection on the flight trajectory using the Open CV library

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Заглавие Algorithm for alerting the unmanned aerial vehicle operator based on the image potential obstacle borders detection on the flight trajectory using the Open CV library
Алгоритм оповещения оператора беспилотного летательного аппарата на основе выделения на изображении границ потенциальных препятствий для полёта с использованием библиотеки Open CV
Автор Stepanov, V. Y.
Hvitko, E. A.
Описание The article describes several modifications of the obstacle detection algorithm on the flight trajectory of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). First, we give an illustration of the problems on the example of the relief image on topographic maps and the essence of the relief image by horizontal contours. Then the conclusion is made about necessity of development of algorithm and software, which can help the operator of the UAV in deciding on necessary trajectory changes of UAV, since, for example, guided solely by the method image of the terrain or another similar method in the planning of the UAV trajectory as preliminary preparation for the flight, however, such methods are fairly static and are not suitable in such situations as, for example, detection of unexpected obstacles. Further, the article describes the process of developing several modifications of the algorithm that solves the above problem and generates a notification of the UAV operator. It is also described depending on the flight speed of the UAV and natural conditions; it is possible to choose the most appropriate modification of the algorithm, which has different sensitivity to potential obstacles. The conclusion shows the settings screen and results of the software work and the principle of visual notification of the UAV operator with the proposal direction of the flight around detected obstacles.
Дата 2019-02-05T07:23:28Z
Тип Статья (Article)
Идентификатор Stepanov, V. Y. Algorithm for alerting the unmanned aerial vehicle operator based on the image potential obstacle borders detection on the flight trajectory using the Open CV library = Алгоритм оповещения оператора беспилотного летательного аппарата на основе выделения на изображении границ потенциальных препятствий для полёта с использованием библиотеки Open CV / V. Y. Stepanov, E. A. Hvitko // Системный анализ и прикладная информатика. – 2018. – №4. – С. 11-19.
Язык en_EN
Охват Минск
Издатель БНТУ