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Flexible control of automatic traffic vehicular collision avoidance based on 5G wireless mobile communication system

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Заглавие Flexible control of automatic traffic vehicular collision avoidance based on 5G wireless mobile communication system
Автор Pei, Ping
Petrenko, Y. N.
Описание With the development of economic and industrialization, many countries entered the era of the automobile society. Anti-collision control system is very important to improve the safety of the automatic machine. The researching of anti - collision control system belongs to 5G wireless system has been paid much attention by different ISP, equipment provider and universities. There have many different collision avoidance control systems in automatic traffic machine science 1971, such as collision avoidance which controlled by ultrasonic, laser, infrared, microwave. However, there are many shortcomings to impede development of anti-collision control system. Automatic traffic machine collision avoidance is based on vehicular mobile network, integration of sensors, RFID (radio frequency identification), data mining, automatic control technologies. According to communication protocols and standards to achieve dynamic mobile communications is a typical application of Internet of things technology in transportation systems. Vehicles as mobile communication devices in the form of topology nodes to organize network. Due to the mobility of access increased frequency, increased node coverage, complex communication environment. 5G mobile communication network will integrate advanced technologies such as millimeter-wave communication technology, large-scale antenna array, ultra-dense networking and cognitive radio (CR) with developing which has low latency and high reliability applications will solve problems in current Automatic traffic machine collision avoidance. The base stations and infrastructures do not need to established in Vehicular mobile system bring a historic opportunity for the development. “Automatic traffic machine in millimeter wave anti-collision system" has become a hot topic in the international researching in recent years.
Дата 2019-02-20T10:05:26Z
Тип Научный доклад (Working Paper)
Идентификатор Pei, Ping. Flexible control of automatic traffic vehicular collision avoidance based on 5G wireless mobile communication system / Ping Pei, Y. N. Petrenko // Информационные технологии в образовании, науке и производстве : VI Международная научно-техническая интернет-конференция, 17-18 ноября 2018 г. [Электронный ресурс]. – [Б. и.], 2018.
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