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Using visual approach for language acquisition

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Заглавие Using visual approach for language acquisition
Автор Tahini, Imad H.
Описание The subject of accelerating learning skills, particularly language, it is important for both those who work in the field of education and training and people who are to get adapted to a new environment (they need lots of new skills and, above all, a foreign language), Therefore, the creation of modern IT systems to simplify and accelerate the study of language is a very urgent topic and requires to search for new ways and solutions. The research is interdisciplinary at the intersection of pedagogy, psychology and linguistics on the one hand, and tools of exact sciences, systems analysis and IT on the other hand. Our aim from this paper is to apply the Structural Visual Method (SVM) both for studying high-level structures of abstraction, and studying specific linguistic phenomena and developing new ways of teaching based on a new application.
Дата 2019-02-27T07:04:23Z
Тип Научный доклад (Working Paper)
Идентификатор Tahini, Imad H. Using visual approach for language acquisition / Imad H. Tahini // Информационные технологии в образовании, науке и производстве : VI Международная научно-техническая интернет-конференция, 17-18 ноября 2018 г. [Электронный ресурс]. – [Б. и.], 2018.
Язык en_EN
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