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Stratigraphy of middle devonian deposits of the western part of the Pripyat Trough (according то results of the study of ichthyofauna)

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Заглавие Stratigraphy of middle devonian deposits of the western part of the Pripyat Trough (according то results of the study of ichthyofauna)
Стратиграфия отложений среднего девона западной части Припятского прогиба (по данным изучения ихтиофауны)
Автор Plax, D. P.
Kruchek, S. A.
Описание The paper presents the results of palaeoichthyological study of the core from the Pinsk-10 and Pinsk-26 boreholes, drilled in the territory of the western part of the Pripyat Trough within the Turov and Starobin Centroclines. References with data on vertebrates of the Middle Devonian within the investigated area are given to complete the information. According to the vertebrate assemblages and guide taxa of agnathans and fishes that have been established, the stratigraphic division of the Middle Devonian deposits is executed. Apart from that the correlation of deposits with the synchronous sediments developed in the adjacent territories of Ukraine, Russia and the Baltic States is carried out on vertebrates. The paper replenishes the previously known composition of the stratigraphic vertebrate assemblages of the Middle Devonian in this area and provides both their full list and stratigraphic distribution. The Stratigraphic Chart of the Devonian deposits of Belarus (2010) has been taken as a stratigraphic basis of the division of the Middle Devonian deposits in the studied area.
Дата 2019-03-11T10:39:23Z
Тип Article
Идентификатор Plax, D. P. Stratigraphy of middle devonian deposits of the western part of the Pripyat Trough (according то results of the study of ichthyofauna) = Стратиграфия отложений среднего девона западной части Припятского прогиба (по данным изучения ихтиофауны) / D. P. Plax, S. A. Kruchek // Лiтасфера. – 2014. – № 1. – С. 24-42.
Язык ru
Охват Минск
Издатель Научно-производственный центр по геологии