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Thinking the Relationship between Science, Religion, and Philosophy: New Perspectives of Interdisciplinarity

Электронный научный архив УРФУ

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Заглавие Thinking the Relationship between Science, Religion, and Philosophy: New Perspectives of Interdisciplinarity
Автор Kagha Leyinda Hugues Merlin
Описание It can be considered that the main source of faith in many thinkers lies in the great enigma of the origin of the Universe, the matter, that in all rigor current science is incapable of solve. Scientific activity in its most advanced forms, and the most elaborate concerns only the transformations of matter, once it is there as a datum, a raw existent. She therefore, this activity is entirely situated below the great mystery. And the two conceivable attitudes in this respect are, in terms of philosophical, options of principle. Faced with the relativism that seems to dominate contemporary epistemology, the effort to distinguish the scientific approach from the reality of religious and philosophical approaches may seem reckless and outmoded. Yet it is an urgent task if we want to avoid the banal «All is good» that places all forms of knowledge at the same level of uncertainty and confusion. How to distinguish religious spirit, scientific spirit and philosophical thought in order to fully understand the respective scope and their limits? There is a lucid conception of human knowledge. This article attempts to provide an interdisciplinary answer to the difficult question of the originality of the scientific reflection through the examination of the main currents of thought that have crossed the epistemology, mainly in the twentieth century. The article is an attempt of exploring the possible ways to address the question of meaning and truth via an interdisciplinary approach of Science (answering the question of How and addresses facts), Philosophy (trying to answer the question of Why?) and Religion (answering Ultimate questions, values) by exposing the epistemological limits, the objects and the methods of scrutinizing human experience and the reality as a whole We still remember that Einstein clearly stated that «Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind»2. Does it make sense to philosophically re-think the nature of the relation between Science and Religion? What is the situation of the philosophy of religion today? What about the relation between science and philosophy? These are essential questions addressed human intelligence and questioning both the totality of his experience, culture and of his presence-in- the-world, and how he makes sense of nature and his understanding of the world. What are today the areas of possible interdisciplinary re-conciliation between the ideal of philosophy, religion and science as differential modes expression of our understanding of reality as such?
Дата 2019-12-03T12:18:59Z
Тип Conference Paper
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Published version (info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion)
Идентификатор Kagha Leyinda Hugues Merlin. Thinking the Relationship between Science, Religion, and Philosophy: New Perspectives of Interdisciplinarity / Kagha Leyinda Hugues Merlin — Текст : непосредственный // Пивоваровские чтения. Синтетическая парадигма: наука, философия, религиоведение : сборник материалов конференции. — Екатеринбург : Деловая книга, 2019. — С. 46-53.
Язык en
Связанные ресурсы Пивоваровские чтения. Синтетическая парадигма: наука, философия, религиоведение. — Екатеринбург, 2019
Пивоваровские чтения
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Издатель Деловая книга