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«Чужие земли» в русском народном языковом сознании: прагматический аспект

Электронный научный архив УРФУ

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Заглавие «Чужие земли» в русском народном языковом сознании: прагматический аспект
"Alien Lands" in the Russian Popular Linguistic Worldview: a pragmatical aspect
Автор Березович, Е. Л.
Berezovich, E. L.
Описание The author analyses the facts of semantic and word-building derivation of the stems of macrotoponyms (the names of large geographical objects such as countries, cities, big rivers etc.). Functioning in the vocabulary of Russian dialects, these toponymical derivates become the sings of the outer (=alien or strange) world. The facts are analysed in the aspect of pragmatical linguistics. Firstly the peculiarities of manifestation of the speaker’s view-point are revealed, which are determined by his position in space, by the horizon he sees, as well as by the level of portraying the world of foreign lands. Secondly, the factors, which favor the appearance of the investigated nominative units are determined , such as the tendency to change the status of one’s own in comparison with the alien; attributing to the own the status of the out e r or the al i e n; estimating one’s own and the al i en as normal and abnormal, accordingly.
Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта РГНФ № 04–04–00274а.
Дата 2009-08-24T06:54:29Z
Тип Article
Journal article (info:eu-repo/semantics/article)
Published version (info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion)
Идентификатор Березович Е. Л. «Чужие земли» в русском народном языковом сознании: прагматический аспект / Е. Л. Березович // Вопросы ономастики. – 2005. – № 2. – С. 70-85.
Язык ru
Связанные ресурсы Вопросы ономастики. 2005. № 2.
Формат 310159 bytes
Издатель Издательство Уральского университета