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System for Assessing the Effectiveness of Temporary Blinding Devices

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Заглавие System for Assessing the Effectiveness of Temporary Blinding Devices
Система оценки эффективности устройств временного ослепления
Автор Terekhova, M.
Rudikov, S.
Shumski, A.
Shkadarevich, A.
Описание The development of non-lethal weapons and, in particular, temporary blinding devices is associated with problem of choosing boundaries of effectiveness. The aim of present work is determination of criteria for estimation of the effects of visual jamming devices action on the naked eye. The present-day scoring system used for effectiveness estimation of laser temporary blinding devices is based on maximum permissible exposure and/or accessible emission level defined for each hazard class in accordance with operating standard. In the present work we carried out analysis and modeling of the cases of application of temporary blinding laser devices. The proposed scoring system was founded on international standard IEC 60825-1-2014 as well as Manual on Laser Emitters and Flight Safety. The modeling of bright light action on observer eye was rested on CIE General Disability Glare Equation and provided quantitative description of jamming effectiveness. The main parameters used in this model and dictated by ambient light level and human eye characteristics, were veiling luminance and angle of distinguishing objects under it. In terms of exposition level and perception effects we determined six zones – unallowed, hazard, temporary blinding, discomfort, alerting, completely safe. Proposed system combined with modeling provides with visual demonstration of perceived light source and allows to describe human physiological sensation and to establish the fact of jamming at different distances. This system was the basis of the development of temporary blinding device for revelation of safe but effective spatial boundaries of action.
Дата 2020-06-29T13:14:04Z
Тип Статья (Article)
Идентификатор System for Assessing the Effectiveness of Temporary Blinding Devices = Система оценки эффективности устройств временного ослепления / M. Terekhova [et al.] // Приборы и методы измерений : научно-технический журнал. – 2020. – Т. 11, № 2. – С. 105-113.
Язык en_EN
Охват Минск
Издатель БНТУ