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The agglomeration and networking approaches to the interpretation of the economic cluster concept

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Заглавие The agglomeration and networking approaches to the interpretation of the economic cluster concept
Агломерационный и сетевой подходы к определению понятия кластера в экономике
Автор Bakhmatova, E. I.
Описание The agglomeration and networking approaches to the interpretation of the concept of the economic cluster are examined in the article. The advantages of the networking concept of cluster stratification of the economy are shown in the context of facilitating the natural process of establishing sustainable competitive innovation clusters and the formation of an active innovative knowledge-intensive environment. Regarding the definition of the cluster, it is suggested adhering to an expanded networking concept, which is based on the idea of stimulating the development of sustainable structured business networks in the economy.
Дата 2020-07-15T11:12:11Z
Тип Статья (Article)
Идентификатор Bakhmatova, E. I. The agglomeration and networking approaches to the interpretation of the economic cluster concept = Агломерационный и сетевой подходы к определению понятия кластера в экономике / E. I. Bakhmatova // Экономическая наука сегодня : сборник научных статей / Белорусский национальный технический университет, Факультет технологий управления и гуманитаризации, Кафедра «Экономика и право» ; редкол.: С. Ю. Солодовников (гл. ред.) [и др.]. – Минск : БНТУ, 2020. – Вып. 11. – С. 48-52.
Язык en_EN
Охват Минск
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