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Computer technology as a modern technique of teaching a foreign language

Репозиторий БНТУ

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Заглавие Computer technology as a modern technique of teaching a foreign language
Автор Мойсеёнок, Н. С.
Описание The article is devoted to the use of computer technology for teaching a foreign language in higher education. The article discusses the history and methodological features of this technology, its advantages in higher education. The introduction of computer technology in the educational process and in teaching a foreign language is an urgent requirement of today. This technology supposes using not only the most modern technical equipment, new forms and methods of teaching, but also a completely new approach to the teaching process, which helps to implement the principle of interactive, communicative-based teaching and provides individualization and differentiation based on features of trainees, their level and inclination.
Дата 2020-07-21T10:40:18Z
Тип Working Paper
Идентификатор Мойсеёнок, Н. С. Computer technology as a modern technique of teaching a foreign language / Н. С. Мойсеёнок // Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции "Информационные технологии в политических, социально-экономических, правовых и технических системах" [Электронный ресурс] / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; редкол.: Г. М. Бровка (пред. редкол.) [и др.] ; сост. В. Л. Червинский. – Минск : БНТУ, 2020. – С. 295-297.
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