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Features of Measuring the Hardness of a Metal Surface Modified with Ultrafine Particles of Minerals

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Заглавие Features of Measuring the Hardness of a Metal Surface Modified with Ultrafine Particles of Minerals
Особенности измерения твёрдости металлической поверхности, модифицированной ультрадисперсными частицами минералов
Автор Skazochkin, A. V.
Bondarenko, G. G.
Zukowski, P.
Описание One of the important characteristics of the surface properties of metal parts subjected to friction is hardness. Hardness measurements are important for determining the operational characteristics of parts and monitoring the technological regimes of surface modification. However, hardness measurements of thin modified layers made by different methods can lead to differences in measurement results. The aim of the article was to study the hardness of a metal surface modified with ultrafine particles of minerals by two different methods (instrumental indentation and Vickers hardness measurement) and a comparative analysis of the measurement results obtained by these methods. Standard Vickers hardness measurements at loads of 0.025, 0.1 and 0.5 kgf showed a qualitative difference between the hardness values of the two samples modified with different mixtures of ultrafine particles of minerals and a large heterogeneity of the hardness values over the area. By the method of instrumental hardness, standard measurements were performed without preliminary selection of the indentation site (at a load of 1.05 N) and measurements during indentation into even sections (at low loads of 10 mN). It is noted that the high precision of measurements implemented by instrumental indentation, due to the large roughness of the samples, leads to large values of the error in calculating the measurement results. An additional difference in the results of measurements performed by two methods at shallow indentation depths may be due to the fact that the object under study has a complex structure consisting of a metal matrix and particles distributed over the depth of the sample. A possible way out of the situation lies in the transition from the use of hardness measures when calibrating instruments to standard samples of properties for which the constancy of mechanical properties in the measured range of indentation depths will be ensured, but which are not yet available in research practice. Therefore, at present, when carrying out work related to the search for optimal conditions for obtaining thin wear-resistant layers on the surface of metals modified with ultrafine particles of minerals, comparative measurements performed by one measurement method are recommended.
Дата 2020-09-18T11:44:48Z
Тип Статья (Article)
Идентификатор Skazochkin, A. V. Features of Measuring the Hardness of a Metal Surface Modified with Ultrafine Particles of Minerals = Особенности измерения твёрдости металлической поверхности, модифицированной ультрадисперсными частицами минералов / A. V. Skazochkin, G. G. Bondarenko, P. Zukowski // Приборы и методы измерений : научно-технический журнал. – 2020. – Т. 11, № 3. – С. 212-221.
Язык en_EN
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Издатель БНТУ