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Application of Two-Channel Principle in Measuring Devices to Compensate for Disturbing Influences of Unknown Physical Nature

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Заглавие Application of Two-Channel Principle in Measuring Devices to Compensate for Disturbing Influences of Unknown Physical Nature
Применение принципа двухканальности в измерительных устройствах для компенсации возмущающих воздействий неизвестной физической природы
Автор Nesterov, V. N.
Li, A. R.
Описание The article notes the advantages of the method of constructing absolutely invariant measuring transducers for working in conditions with disturbing influences. However, this method is not universal. Its limitations are due to the impossibility of "symmetric" transmission of all disturbing influences into parallel measuring channels. A broader interpretation of the two-channel principle is proposed to overcome these limitations. The aim of the study was to substantiate and implement a method for constructing quasi-invariant measuring transducers and systems that retain their metrological characteristics under external disturbances of unknown physical nature. The theory that develops the two-channel principle to a full-fledged technological method is presented in the article. The theory includes the necessary and sufficient conditions for physical feasibility this method. Two fundamental tasks have been solved in the work. The first task is to identify signs that reflect the essence of the technological method in to specific cases and the second is to implement a methodology that allows these signs to be effectively applied in practice. In the examples, a complex of technologies is defined for groups of elements of quasi-invariant transducers that provide compensation of the influencing factors acting on them with acceptable accuracy. There are significant advantages in discussed method. It gives hope for acceptable measurement results under conditions when character and even physical principle of influencing a priori are unknown.
Дата 2020-09-18T12:14:59Z
Тип Статья (Article)
Идентификатор Nesterov, V. N. Application of Two-Channel Principle in Measuring Devices to Compensate for Disturbing Influences of Unknown Physical Nature = Применение принципа двухканальности в измерительных устройствах для компенсации возмущающих воздействий неизвестной физической природы / V. N. Nesterov, A. R. Li // Приборы и методы измерений : научно-технический журнал. – 2020. – Т. 11, № 3. – С. 228-235.
Язык en_EN
Охват Минск
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