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Mechanism theory and machine parts

Репозиторий БНТУ

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Заглавие Mechanism theory and machine parts
Автор Skoibeda, А. Т.
Davidov, V. S.
Kalina, A. A.
Sukhotski, A. A.
Описание This textbook is intended for technical universities students performing laboratory works in such disciplines as "Machine parts", "Fundamentals of design and machine parts", "Theory of machines and mechanisms", "Technical mechanics", "Applied mechanics". The textbook gives the brief theoretical information, the descriptions of laboratory installations, the methods of work, the recommendations for making reports and the control questions.
Дата 2021-07-09T07:19:26Z
Тип Book
Learning Object
Идентификатор Mechanism theory and machine parts : textbook / A. T. Skoybeda [et al.] ; Belarusian National Technical University, Department «Machine Science and Machine Parts». – Minsk : BNTU, 2021. – 41 p.
Язык en
Охват Minsk
Издатель BNTU