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Methodological guide for creating a course work by undergraduates of the specialty 1-25 80 01 “Economics”

Репозиторий БНТУ

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Заглавие Methodological guide for creating a course work by undergraduates of the specialty 1-25 80 01 “Economics”
Scientific research seminar
Автор Solodovnikov, S. Yu.
Stashevskaya, M. P.
Описание The methodological guide is a set of modern theoretical and methodological principles for conducting research in economics.
Дата 2021-07-09T11:22:14Z
Тип Book
Learning Object
Идентификатор Solodovnikov, S. Yu. Methodological guide for creating a course work by undergraduates of the specialty 1-25 80 01 “Economics” [Electronic resource] : scientific research seminar / S. Yu. Solodovnikov, M. P. Stashevskaya ; Belarusian national technical university, Department “Economics and Law”. – Minsk : BNTU, 2021. – Деп. в БНТУ 09.07.2021, № DEPBNTU-2021-16.
Язык en
Охват Minsk
Издатель BNTU