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Multi-purpose inhibitors for the oil industry

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Заглавие Multi-purpose inhibitors for the oil industry
Автор Driker, B. N.
Protazanov, A. A.
Tsirulnikova, N. V.
Описание The issue of mineral scale formation in pipelines and technological equipment and metal corrosion of continues to be relevant for industrial plants, including oil-producing and oilrefining industries. The simplest and most available way to solve these problems is to use organophosphonates (OP) and low-molecular-weight polymers (MM<1000) as inhibitors. Complexonates with alkaline-earth metals (Me) have been synthesized on basis of mentioned above acids at different molar ratios OP:Me = 4:1-1:1 and temperature of 20 °C. Compositions containing synthesized complexonates were used for water of various degrees of mineralization and temperature range of 60-90 °C under dynamic conditions. It was found that the efficiency of inhibition of mineral scale formation for all the studied compositions of complexonates increase with the growth of number of functional groups in the OP molecule, regardless of the molar ratio of OP:Me. The corrosion inhibition both depends on the number of functional groups in the OP molecule and is determined by the formation of a protective film on the metal surface largely. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Дата 2022-01-10T10:04:13Z
Тип Conference Paper
Published version (info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion)
Conference object (info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject)
Идентификатор Driker, B. N. Multi-purpose inhibitors for the oil industry / B. N. Driker, A. A. Protazanov, N. V. Tsirulnikova // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. – 2021. – Vol. 931. – Iss. 1. – № 12004.
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Права Open Access
Издатель IOP Publishing Ltd
Источник IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science