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Проблема разделения армии между Западной и Восточной Римской империей в период регентства Стилихона (395-408 гг.): союзные этнические подразделения и федераты

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Заглавие Проблема разделения армии между Западной и Восточной Римской империей в период регентства Стилихона (395-408 гг.): союзные этнические подразделения и федераты
The problem of army's division between the Western and Eastern Roman Empire during the regency of Stilicho (395-408 ad): the allied ethnic units and the federates
Автор Мехамадиев, Е. А.
Mehamadiev, E. A.
Тематика ИСТОРИЯ
Описание This article deals with the problem of division the federates-units of the Late Roman army during the 395–408 AD., under the regency of Stilicho, the supreme general of the West Roman Army. This division happened between the Western and Eastern halves of the Roman Empire. The main idea is that Stilicho reserved the best warriors of federates – Huns and Alans – for his West Roman Army, while the Goths and Armenians were sent to the East Roman Empire. The most essential feature of this division is that the all federates-units from Huns, Alans, Goths and Armenians were formerly the mercenary soldiers of the East Roman Emperor Theodosius the Great. And this Emperor came in Italy with these troops to overthrow of the West Roman usurper Eugenius in 394 AD. After the victory over Eugenius Theodosius appointed his general Stilicho the supreme commander of all Eastern and Western Roman troops. The analysis of the sources shows that on the basis of this military rank Stilicho after the death of Theodosius refused from the principle of equal distribution of military units between the Western and Eastern halves of the Roman Empire.
Дата 2011-11-22T05:35:55Z
Тип Article
Journal article (info:eu-repo/semantics/article)
Published version (info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion)
Идентификатор Мехамадиев Е. А. Проблема разделения армии между Западной и Восточной Римской империей в период регентства Стилихона (395-408 гг.): союзные этнические подразделения и федераты / Е. А. Мехамадиев // Античная древность и средние века. — Екатеринбург: Изд-во Урал. ун-та, 2011. — Вып. 40: К 50-летию Уральской школы византиноведения. — С. 21-30.
Язык ru
Связанные ресурсы Античная древность и средние века. 2011. Вып. 40: К 50-летию Уральской школы византиноведения
Формат 415254 bytes
Издатель Изд-во Урал. ун-та