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Commercial economic value of non-metallic fiber concrete

Репозиторий БНТУ

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Заглавие Commercial economic value of non-metallic fiber concrete
Автор Xianpeng, Wang
Haoxuan, Yu
Описание Non-metallic fiber concrete is a new type of high-performance concrete with excellent crack resistance, toughness and durability. And mostly plant fibers have strong environmental value and sustainable development performance, so it is widely used in construction, bridges, roads and other fields, and has a high commercial economic value. In this paper, the economic value of non-metallic fiber concrete is evaluated by a comprehensive analysis of its cost-effectiveness and commercial prospects. The results show that non-metallic fiber concrete has low maintenance cost and long service life, which can bring significant economic benefits to the project. Meanwhile, with the continuous development of technology and market expansion, the commercial prospect of non-metallic fiber concrete is broader.
Дата 2024-02-23T12:24:19Z
Идентификатор Xianpeng, Wang. Commercial economic value of non-metallic fiber concrete / Wang Xianpeng, Yu Haoxuan // Инженерный бизнес [Электронный ресурс] : сборник материалов IV Международной научно-практической конференции в рамках 21-й Международной научно-технической конференции БНТУ «Наука – образованию, производству и экономике» 22-24 ноября 2023 г. / редкол.: О. С. Голубова [и др.] ; сост. О. С. Голубова. – Минск : БНТУ, 2024. – С. 157-162.
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