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Systems to Control Molten Metal Transfer in Arc Welding

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Заглавие Systems to Control Molten Metal Transfer in Arc Welding
Автор Filonov, Andrey Vladimirovich
Kryukov, Artem Viktorovich
Gusarov, D. E.
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Описание The paper analyzes the systems used for controlling molten wire metal droplets during the arc welding process in shielding gases. The variations for implementing the relevant systems are given, with the positive and negative aspects of such implementation taken into account. Electrical systems are currently investigated to the fullest extent possible and implemented in different power sources for pulsed welding arc. Mechanical systems are represented by different types of feeders that provide the pulsed wire feeding process. The feed mechanisms driven by electric motors and electromagnets are analyzed. In addition to the mechanical and electrical systems, the examples of combined control systems are given.
Дата 2016-04-12T23:39:37Z
Тип Conference Paper
Published version (info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion)
Conference paper (info:eu-repo/semantics/conferencePaper)
Идентификатор Filonov A. V. Systems to Control Molten Metal Transfer in Arc Welding / A. V. Filonov, A. V. Kryukov, D. E. Gusarov // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2015. — Vol. 91: VI International Scientific Practical Conference on Innovative Technologies and Economics in Engineering, Yurga, Russia, 21-23 May 2015. — [012021, 6 p.].
Язык en
Связанные ресурсы IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 91: VI International Scientific Practical Conference on Innovative Technologies and Economics in Engineering, Yurga, Russia, 21-23 May 2015. — United Kingdom, 2015.
Права Open access (info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess)
Издатель IOP Publishing