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Analysis of codification of terms and terminological units of the sphere of nuclear physics in modern English

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Заглавие Analysis of codification of terms and terminological units of the sphere of nuclear physics in modern English
Автор Turkasov, Vadim
Zajcev, Iliya
Zyablova, Nataliya
Тематика term
terminological combination
Описание In the modern world young scientists and specialists in the field of nuclear physics face the problem associated with thecorrect use of English terms and terminological units belonging to the field. Technical universities have the task todevelop students' competitiveness in the specialty of nuclear physics and technology, which is expressed in the ability tocorrectly use terms and terminological units. This article is devoted to the analysis of the codification of terms andterminological units in the field of nuclear technology industry in modern English. The analysis has shown a number ofcodified and non-codified terms and terminological units of the sphere of nuclear energy.
Дата 2019-09-03T03:54:03Z
Тип Article
Published version (info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion)
Journal article (info:eu-repo/semantics/article)
Идентификатор Turkasov V. Analysis of codification of terms and terminological units of the sphere of nuclear physics in modern English / V. Turkasov, I. Zajcev, N. N. Zyablova // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. — 2019. — № 14. — [5 p.].
Язык en
Связанные ресурсы Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. 2019. № 14
Права Open access (info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess)
Формат application/pdf
Издатель Томский политехнический университет
Источник Journal of Economics and Social Sciences